Northern Stars of the ISRA

Tech Tips

Key Nut

Hi folks, I have a key mod done and other NorthernStar riders saw what I did and asked me to post it here. I don't have any pics though. But here goes........

I got a blank key made at my dealer ( 5 bucks for the first key and 2.50 for each key thereafter). I got a chrome steering head nut ( left over from adding new triple trees, or a chrome automotive lug nut will work). I then cut part of the ears off the new key ( metal shears, rotary tool, hacksaw, etc can be used) so it would fit inside the nut. I then filled the nut with 2 part epoxy. Any Hardware store or your friendly nieghborhood Canadian Tire store will have this stuff. Set the key in it and let it dry over night. DONE!!!! When the key is in the ignition it looks like there's just a nut there as it covers the ignition housing perfectly and people often ask me where the ignition is. The main reason I did this though was to prevent any scratching of my tank from having a flapping key fob hitting it.
I needed a spare key anyways, and already had the epoxy and nut. So this was a very inexpensive modification that took maybe a half hour. This mod can be done for ten bucks if you have to get everything. This mod looks very nice and prevents the ignition area from being scratched up.


Ken Penney
99 1100
ISRA 4078


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